
Accounts Preparation

“Accounts tell us about your business history, which should be simple, accurate and well presented”

Generally, the accounts are prepared for the stakeholders (for instance; shareholders, bankers, legal authorities and others), which should be simple, accurate and nicely presented as they tell the background of the business. 

At The Stan Lee, we prepare all types of accounts including; statutory annual accounts, management accounts and cashflow statements whether you are business as a sole trader, partnership or a company.    

Moreover, the statutory accounts must be completed according to the compliance requirements and subject to filing to Companies House and HM Revenue & Customs.

We offer for the accounts’ preparation……………

  • Preparing financial statements to file at Companies House and to submit tax returns to HM Revenue and Customs
  • We update and prepare your accounts to agreed timescales and deadlines 
  • Producing management and projected accounts for the business

However, we can do more than just report the history of what’s already happened by:

  • Checking the accounts for errors and amend accordingly to produce a true and fair view of the results
  • Taking time to explain about the accounts so that you understand what is going on the business financially 
  • Identifying the areas of the business to make necessary improvements and producing the accounts to meet your business goals 
  • Determining the legal ways to assist in reducing the tax liability  

We also use outsourcing for our audit clients’ and we are pleased to offer an Audit service along with general accountancy if you require.

To find out more about The Stan Lee and your accounts preparation, please contact us.